Denne personvernerklæringen ble sist oppdatert 2. januar 2025 og gjelder statsborgere og lovlige fastboende i Det europeiske økonomiske samarbeidsområdet og Sveits.
I denne personvernerklæringen forklarer vi hva vi gjør med opplysningene vi innhenter om deg via Vi anbefaler deg å lese denne erklæringen nøye. I vår behandling overholder vi kravene i personvernlovgivningen. Det betyr blant annet at:
- vi oppgir tydelig om hvilke formål vi behandler personopplysninger for. Vi gjør dette ved hjelp av denne personvernerklæringen;
- vi tar sikte på å begrense vår innsamling av personopplysninger til bare de personopplysningene som er nødvendige for legitime formål;
- vi ber først om ditt eksplisitte samtykke til å behandle dine personopplysninger i tilfeller som krever ditt samtykke;
- vi tar nødvendige sikkerhetstiltak for å beskytte dine personopplysninger og krever også dette fra parter som behandler personopplysninger på våre vegne;
- vi respekterer din rett til å få tilgang til dine personopplysningene eller få opplysningene korrigert eller slettet, på forespørsel.
Hvis du har spørsmål, eller ønsker å vite nøyaktig hvilke data vi oppbevarer om deg, kan du kontakte oss.
1. Cookies
Nettstedet vårt bruker cookies. For mer informasjon om cookies, se vår Cookieerklæring.
2. Formidlingspraksis
Vi utleverer personopplysninger hvis vi er pålagt det ved lov eller ved rettskjennelse, som svar til et rettshåndhevende organ, i den grad det er tillatt i henhold til andre lovbestemmelser, for å gi informasjon, eller for en etterforskning av en sak knyttet til offentlig sikkerhet.
Hvis nettstedet eller organisasjonen vår blir overdratt, solgt eller fusjonert, kan opplysningene dine bli utlevert til våre rådgivere og eventuelle potensielle kjøpere og vil bli gitt videre til de nye eierne.
Vi har inngått en databehandlingsavtale med Google.
3. Sikkerhet
Vi er forpliktet til å ivareta sikkerheten for personopplysninger. Vi gjør nødvendige sikkerhetstiltak for å begrense misbruk av og uautorisert tilgang til personopplysninger. Dette sikrer at kun de nødvendige personene har tilgang til dine data, at tilgangen til dataene er beskyttet, og at våre sikkerhetstiltak regelmessig blir gjennomgått.
4. Tredjeparts nettsteder
Denne personvernerklæringen gjelder ikke for tredjeparts-nettsteder som kobles til via lenker på nettstedet vårt. Vi kan ikke garantere at disse tredjepartene behandler dine personopplysninger på en pålitelig eller sikker måte. Vi anbefaler at du leser personvernerklæringene til disse nettstedene før du bruker disse nettstedene.
5. Endringer i denne personvernerklæringen
Vi forbeholder oss retten til å gjøre endringer i denne personvernerklæringen. Det anbefales at du konsulterer denne personvernerklæringen regelmessig for å være oppmerksom på eventuelle endringer. I tillegg vil vi aktivt informere deg der det er mulig.
6. Få tilgang til og endre dataene dine
Hvis du har spørsmål eller ønsker å vite hvilke personopplysninger vi har om deg, kan du kontakte oss. Du kan kontakte oss ved å bruke informasjonen nedenfor. Du har følgende rettigheter:
- Du har krav på å få vite hvorfor dine personopplysninger trengs, hva som vil skje med dem, og hvor lenge de vil bli oppbevart.
- Rett til innsyn: Du har rett til innsyn i dine personopplysninger som er kjent for oss.
- Rett til retting: Du har rett til å tilføye, korrigere, og å ha dine personlige data slettet eller blokkert når du måtte ønske det..
- Hvis du gir oss ditt samtykke til å behandle dataene dine, har du rett til å tilbakekalle det samtykket og å få dine personlige data slettet.
- Rett til å overføre dine data: du har rett til å be om alle dine personopplysninger fra behandlingsansvarlig og overføre dem i sin helhet til en annen behandlingsansvarlig.
- Rett til å nekte: Du kan nekte at dine data blir behandlet. Vi etterkommer dette med mindre det er berettige grunner for behandling.
Vennligst sørg for å alltid oppgi tydelig hvem du er, slik at vi kan være sikre på at vi ikke modifiserer eller sletter data fra feil person.
7. Innsending av klage
Hvis du ikke er fornøyd med måten vi håndterer (en klage på) behandlingen av dine personopplysninger, har du rett til å sende inn en klage til Datatilsynet.
8. Kontaktdetaljer
NHF Oslo - Norges Handikapforbund Oslo
Schweigaardsgt. 12
Postboks 9217 Grønland
0134 Oslo
Telefonnummer: 24 10 24 00
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administartoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er opgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, epost-adresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
iThemes Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days. Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using an iThemes hosted API. As part of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administartoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er opgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, epost-adresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
iThemes Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days. Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using an iThemes hosted API. As part of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administartoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er opgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, epost-adresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
iThemes Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to use Google's reCAPTCHA service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days. Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using an iThemes hosted API. As part of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. Use of the reCAPTCHA service is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administartoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er opgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, epost-adresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
iThemes Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to this service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days. Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
Suggested text: For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using an iThemes hosted API. As part of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, iThemes Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed iThemes products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy. Requests to are to content added and managed by iThemes which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the iThemes Privacy Policy.
Solid Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to this service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days. Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
Suggested text: For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using a SolidWP-hosted API. In the process of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy. Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, Solid Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed SolidWP products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy. Requests to are to retrieve content added and managed by SolidWP which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administratoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er oppgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, epost-adresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
Dette nettstedet bruker programvaren Complianz for WordPress for å samle inn og registrere samtykke. For denne funksjonaliteten er IP -adressen din anonymisert og lagret i vår database. For mer informasjon, se Complianz Personvernerklæring.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
Really Simple SSL
Really Simple SSL og Really Simple SSL-utvidelsen behandler ingen personlig informasjon, så Personvernforordningen (GDPR) får ingen anvendelse for disse utvidelsene eller bruken av disse på ditt nettsted. Du kan lese mer om dette i vår personvernerklæring her.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
Solid Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to this service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
Suggested text: For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using a SolidWP-hosted API. In the process of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the iThemes Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, Solid Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed SolidWP products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy. Requests to are to retrieve content added and managed by SolidWP which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Vi samler inn informasjon og besøkende som kommenterer på nettsteder som bruker Akismet antispam-tjenesten. Informasjonen vi samler inn avhenger av hvordan administratoren setter opp Aksimet for nettstedet, men typisk inkluderer det den kommenterendes IP-adresse, brukeragent, refererende side og nettstedets URL (sammen med annen informasjon som er oppgitt av den komenterende, som navn, brukernavn, e-postadresse og kommentaren i seg selv).
Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress
This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.
Really Simple Security
Really Simple Security and Really Simple Security add-ons do not process any personal identifiable information, so the GDPR does not apply to these plugins or usage of these plugins on your website. You can find our privacy policy here.
Burst Statistics
This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.
Solid Security
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
Suggested text: Some forms on this site require the use of Google's reCAPTCHA service before they can be submitted. If you consent to this service, a cookie is created that stores your consent. This cookie deletes itself after thirty days.
Suggested text: Magic links create a temporary cookie named “itsec-ml-lockout-bypass” that enables users to log in through a link sent to their email. This cookie references session data containing the user’s ID and IP address. It automatically expires after 30 minutes.
Suggested text: A cookie named “itsec_interstitial_browser” is created to track a user’s login process to implement enhanced security features.
Suggested text: Visiting the login page sets a temporary cookie that aids compatibility with some alternate login methods. This cookie contains no personal data and expires after 1 hour.
Security Logs
Suggested text: The IP address of visitors, user ID of logged in users, and username of login attempts are conditionally logged to check for malicious activity and to protect the site from specific kinds of attacks. Examples of conditions when logging occurs include login attempts, log out requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to site content, and password updates. This information is retained for 60 days.
Who we share your data with
Suggested text: For security, use of Google's reCAPTCHA service is required which is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When running Security Check, will be contacted as part of a process to determine if the site supports TLS/SSL requests. No personal data is sent to as part of this process. Requests to include the site's URL. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: A QR code image is generated for users that set up two-factor authentication for this site. This image is generated using a SolidWP-hosted API. In the process of generating this image, your username is sent to the API. This data is not logged. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.
Suggested text: This site is scanned for potential malware and vulnerabilities by the SolidWP Site Scanner. We do not send personal information to the scanner; however, the scanner could find personal information posted publicly (such as in comments) during the scan.
In order to ensure file integrity, Solid Security pulls data from,, and No personal data is sent to these sites. Requests to include the WordPress version, the site's locale, a list of installed plugins, and a list of each plugin's version. Requests to and include the installed SolidWP products and their versions. For privacy policy details, please see the WordPress Privacy Policy. For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy. Requests to are to retrieve content added and managed by SolidWP which is covered by the Amazon Web Services Data Privacy policy.
How long we retain your data
Suggested text: Security logs are retained for 60 days.
Where we send your data
Suggested text: This site is part of a network of sites that protect against distributed brute force attacks. To enable this protection, the IP address of visitors attempting to log into the site is shared with a service provided by For privacy policy details, please see the SolidWP Privacy Policy.